One Touch Switching Testing Dates

One Touch Switching Testing Dates
On 14th June, BT notified all Communication Providers about planned industry testing with Openreach on Sunday 30th June 2024 for One Touch Switch (OTS) and the removal of the Notice of Transfer (NoT+) process and cancel other functionality on broadband orders.
Below you will see the full communication from BT:
At the May CFPCG Openreach announced a series of dates they proposed to offer as trial windows subject to demand and Ofcom approval.
To facilitate this change, there will be industry testing out of hours across some weekends commencing Sunday 30 June 2024 within a maintenance window of 01:00 and 06:00am to allow trial orders to be placed between 01:30 and 04:30am. GMT
Other potential industry testing dates you need to be aware of, along with the same advice above, are:
- Sunday 14 July
- Sunday 28 July
- Sunday 11 August
- Sunday 25 August
WBC will use this opportunity to place test orders during the first test window of 30 June to ensure the new lead time changes and removal of cancel other work as per our designs.
This window will be open to all CPs who wish to conduct their own industry testing however please be advised this will not be facilitated by BT Wholesale. CPs wishing to use the proposed slots will need to ensure they have their own trial data and are able to manage this independently of BT and or Openreach.
During the test window, customers are advised not to place any orders that are subject to NoT+ switching rules such as Bulk Migrations, as the orders may be rejected or cancelled. This time window has been chosen specifically after careful mitigation analysis.
REMINDER – Whilst OTS is mandated for consumer switching, the NoT+ lead time changes etc will impact across industry regardless of consumer or business customer switches.
It is anticipated that some business switching will, in due course, use The One Touch Switching Company (TOTSCo) Hub, but no date has been agreed yet with the industry steering group.