Beginner’s Guide to Ethernet
Ethernet is a dedicated business grade service with guaranteed performance offering symmetrical, synchronous bandwidth. This means your upload & download bandwidths, and any data you are either sending or receiving, can happen at the same time. There are three main types of Ethernet connectivity – Full Fibre Ethernet, Ethernet over FTTC (EoFTTC) and Ethernet over multiple copper pairs, called Ethernet First Mile (EFM). Each one uses a slightly different technology to provide a robust and reliable internet connection.
Full Fibre Ethernet

Full Fibre Ethernet, sometimes referred to as just Fibre Ethernet, is delivered using a dedicated fibre for the tail, between the network provider’s Point of Presence (POP) and the end user premises. Offering guaranteed speeds of up to 1Gbps, it is capable of dealing with large numbers of users and any high bandwidth activity, such as Cloud based applications.
Ethernet over FTTC (EoFTTC)

This solution provides Ethernet over the Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) infrastructure. The tail delivery technology is the same as FTTC broadband, however, bandwidth is provided via a dedicated Ethernet network connection rather than a shared broadband network. With EoFTTC, users can experience speeds of up to 19Mbps with the cost benefits of FTTC.
Ethernet First Mile (EFM)

Ethernet First Mile delivers connectivity, via 2 to 8 bundled copper pairs, to provide higher overall bandwidths, over a standard copper connection. Speeds can be up to 35Mbps, with more bandwidth than normal broadband solutions, making it ideal for areas with no FTTC availability and excessively high costs to provide Full Fibre Ethernet services. A reliable solution for businesses who can predict their future data requirements, EFM can support large data uploads and IP communications products.
Want to learn more about Ethernet and the solutions we have on offer? Get in touch with our teams today!