FTTP Exchanges Update: January 2022
On 12th January, Openreach confirmed a further 98 exchanges as part of the FTTP roll out, meaning Stop Sell will come into effect in these exchanges from 8th February 2023. This now brings the total exchanges notified to 555, including the Salisbury trail site.
Please see below for a reminder of all Stop Sell dates announced so far:
- Trial Notification (Salisbury exchange) 01/12/2020
- Tranche 1a 29/06/2021
- Tranche 1b 05/10/2021
- Tranche 2 05/10/2021
- Tranche 3 25/01/2022
- Tranche 4 29/04/2022
- Tranche 5 02/08/2022
- Tranche 6 01/11/2022
What is a Stop Sell?
Stop Sell notices are issued when an exchange has over 75% FTTP coverage, meaning three quarters of customers are Ultrafast enabled, or when there is a high guarantee that the exchange will reach 75% full fibre coverage within the next 12 months.
When an exchange enters Stop Sell, premises connecting to the exchange will be unable to purchase new copper-based products if FTTP is readily available to them; if a premise does not have access to FTTP, only Single Order broadband products (such as SOGEA), MPF and WLR will be available.
No Move Back to Copper
In addition to the Stop Sell, Openreach will also enforce a “No Move Back to Copper” policy from the date of the Stop Sell notification, meaning any customers that migrate to Single Order technologies will not be allowed to move back to copper-based services.
For a full list of exchanges announced for the FTTP rollout so far, and to start preparing your affected customers, download our updated FTTP Exchanges Resource Pack.