One Touch Switching Regulatory Changes

One Touch Switching Regulatory Changes
Ofcom are introducing further regulatory changes in April 2023 as part of their work to adopt the European Electronic Communications Code. The changes focus on switching with new requirements and updates made to section C7 of the General Conditions.
For mobile, some of the changes include:
- C7.9 – Obtaining ‘express consent’ from the customer for the switch as the gaining provider.
- C7.12 & C7.30 – Enhanced information as part of the switching information that must be provided to the customer when they request a PAC/STAC.
Ofcom have defined ‘express consent’ in their definitions as “where the communications provider has obtained such consent in a manner which has enabled the customer to make an informed choice” (pg. 88).
For fixed switching, if you’re a residential provider you’re required to operate the fixed switching process called “One Touch Switch” (C7.18 to C7.27). The One Touch Switching Company have been set up as part of introducing One Touch Switch and you can find more information about them here.
Business providers are not currently included in the requirement to follow “One Touch Switch”.
Impacting internet access services and/or number-based interpersonal communications services, Ofcom have introduced a section outlining the obligation to provide compensation to switching customers (C7.47-C7.49).
The full details of the General Condition requirements can be found here.
We encourage you to review the information; it may help you in maintaining compliance with Ofcom’s current rules and implementing their upcoming General Conditions.
Please note: This communication does not constitute legal advice. You should seek your own independent legal advice if you are unsure on any of the requirements and how to comply with them.